Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Child's Verses

When I was pregnant with each of our children we spent time searching the Bible for scriptures to pray for them. It's something that my mother-in-law did for her children, and even for me, before she ever knew me. She prayed for Justin's wife even while he was a child, and I can look back and see the evidence of her prayers in my life. Have I mentioned before how blessed I am?

My young ones

My oldest, Isaac's verses all centered around the Hope of God and they are prayers for joy to fill his life. It has been so interesting to watch him grow and to see in what way the verses we chose fit into his life. They don't fit as we imagined they would, but they show that God knew what his life would be like and how he would need special prayer for hope and joy. I take so much comfort in that.

Isaac with his faithfully praying Grandma J

My Monkey Boy, Jonas' verses all centered around the Love of God. He's almost three, but he already shows a gentle heart. He has many times put his arm around his crying older brother and told him it was going be alright. And he has been a protector of his little sister from her first breath as seen here:

Em is two weeks at most here...
Choosing verses for Emeline was a little different because we didn't know who she was going to be until she was born. It was a totally new experience choosing verses when we didn't know if she would be a girl or a boy, it tends to slant the types of verses you pick. God knew, yet again, what he was doing. Had I known she was a girl, I would have picked verses that were very feminine in nature. I am sure God would have worked it out anyway, but I am glad we knew nothing when we chose her verses.

Just you wait.
Em's verses all center around the Word of God. And shortly after she was born, her father got an overwhelming sense that she is going to speak the Word boldly in her time. Now that her personality is beginning to really show itself, he could very well be right. My daughter is no meek and mild little girl. She is a strong presence already. There is a song on a cd we listen to a lot, and I can't help thinking of her when I hear the lyrics.

The chorus says, "She is strong but never silent, sure of where her strength comes from. One day, one girl army will overcome."

I so look forward to seeing these little ones grow and live the lives they were created to live. And I am thankful for the verses we can pray over them to help guide and shape them. And mostly, I am overwhelmingly grateful that God has given us these three incredible gifts.

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