Monday, August 22, 2011

My Very First Ever Professional Photo of My Very Own Product!!!

Can you tell I am a little bit excited? It makes me feel more professional to have an image like this under my belt.I think I take decent pictures, but these kinds of shots are all the rage.

And the best part of all is it was free. Okay, so when you factor in what went into making those shoes, not exactly free. I stayed up late, like three in the morning late, twice (don't ask), working on them to get them shipped to my client in a rush.

But, thanks to that rush, I have this shot. She generously offered to pay me extra for my trouble. I asked her about the possibility of trading the use of a photograph instead of money. She agreed. Two chics photography graciously agreed. We were all in agreement and now I have this beautiful photo to help represent my work. I feel like a savvy business woman. At least for the moment.

1 comment:

Jessica J. White said...

There soooooo cute!!! I'm so excited to do your sessions. Your shoes are so wonderful, sweetie :D